Friday, 1 August 2014

Painted front fence & removal of old front carport

It has been a productive couple of weeks since I got home from Europe. 

Front fence
I have painted the first coat of the front fence and am now halfway through painting the back of the fence. I'm really enjoying the satisfaction that comes with watching your progress, and it has also been nice to receive comments from passers-by. 

Here's the first coat...

I love the refreshed black letterbox with its new criss-cross feature...

My plan is to plant a low dark green hedge along the front of the fence, probably during Springtime to give it a chance to establish a little before Summer. At this stage I'm thinking of Buxus Microphylla 'Faulkner' - hardy, with a low compact habit and a deeper green colour than others. I have always loved the look of white with greenery. 

New verandah battens finished
Dad has been busy finishing the decorative battens around the base of the new verandah and also removing the former front carport.. a big job!

The below photo shows the new verandah battens - along the front and northern side. I love the detail and the solidness of the post bases. I'm excited at the challenge of figuring out a planting scheme for along the base of the verandah. 

Here are the battens along the northern (driveway) side. 

Removal of former front carport
The former front carport has been removed in the last couple of days... it makes such a difference to the appearance of the house. 

Here is the carport 'pre-removal'...

During the removal process...

And here it is 'post-carport'...

The below photo shows the battens and detail which will sit below the new central front steps...

The removal of the carport has unearthed some great solid timber lengths which will be recycled/re-used as part of the new verandah :-)