Monday, 26 January 2015

Verandah rafters & exterior lights

Just a brief Australia Day update...

Verandah rafters
Dad has been busy putting the verandah rafters up, and they are mostly done on the front of the house now, with the northern side rafters to come. 

There has been further progress on the front entry with fascia boards now installed. 

Not long now until the iron roof sheeting will start. 

New lights
The exterior verandah lights were installed recently. Below is the new light on the northern side. The aluminum shade will be taken off soon and that screen door will be replaced with another french door like the others. 

Below is the new light on the front of the house. The aluminum window on the left will soon be replaced with a large timber double-hung window, and a new front door will be installed where the down pipe currently is. There will also be a new set of french doors to replace the window on the right, with an extension out to the southern (right) side. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Verandah entry, verandah beams & re-painting chairs

The verandah is continuing to progress really well - the front entry has now been built and the verandah beams started going up today. These have added a new dimension that is really noticeable (and exciting!)

Front entry
Here is the front entry (taken about a week ago). It has proved to be a very complex exercise in getting the roof angles right.. and Dad has the angles spot on.

Verandah entry looking from the south western corner of the house...

Verandah entry looking from the north western corner... (and how brilliant is that blue summer sky!)

Verandah beams
The below photo shows the new entry after several verandah beams were installed (today). The beams have added a certain extra dimension and give a good feel for how the verandah outlook will be framed. 

Verandah beams looking from the north western corner of the house...

Verandah beams looking from the south western corner of the house...

Looking out the front entry (which will eventually include a set of timber gates).

There are so many details to notice along the way with this project. I especially like the little handwritten calculations and notes that keep the project rolling :)

A fresh coat of paint for the old Adirondack chairs
The summer holidays have provided a great opportunity for me to get some jobs done that I hadn't otherwise had the time to do. It was great to give the old Adirondack chairs some new coats of paint to freshen them up and protect them from the weather. Can't wait to put a couple of these chairs on the new verandah once the roof is on. 

Summer blooms
How lovely is it to enjoy fresh homegrown flowers from the garden throughout Summer! These hydrangeas were given to me by my friend Robyn and seem to just last forever! :)