Saturday, 30 January 2016

Opening up of new living area, laundry framed up & new feature clock

This home is such a pleasure to live in and I feel so lucky to be enjoying its transformation.

Opening up of new living area
The new living area extension at the back of the house is now secure, so we spent the Australia Day holiday removing the wall between the extension and the existing house - very exciting to open the space up and see it all as one!

Here is the wall and two doors before they were removed - on the left of the image. (These two doors previously led to the former bathroom and toilet of the back flat.)

Here is part of the extension, looking back towards the wall which has now been removed... 

The demolition starts...

There was quite a lot of work involved in removing the uneven edges of the timber floorboards inside the back entry, to allow the new floor sheeting to butt up against it.  The living room (minus the beautiful wide floorboards inside the back entry) will eventually be carpeted, with the same carpet flowing throughout the dining area and study nook.

Here is the other side of the new living room, looking from the back entrance through to the dining area.

This photo was taken from the back yard, looking towards the west.  You can see the extension out to the left (southern) side.  Eventually, the old back laundry and carport in the foreground of this image will be removed, to make way for a new deck.

Laundry framed up
The new laundry has now been framed up and is at lock-up stage.  You can see the French door leads to (what will be) a new deck leading to the existing clothesline.  There is also a high wide window opening up to the southern side, for ventilation and light.

Here is the corner of the new laundry.  The exterior 'Hamptons' style light matches the new lights on the verandah.

New feature clock
I am loving this new clock that I received from Mum and Dad for my Birthday.  Just love its clean white lines.  (Thanks to Aaron from Harold's Finishing Touches for tracking it down for me.)

I have been cleaning up the hedge along the front fence.  I removed an old Vibernum and planted Murrayas in its place for more consistency.



Summer is my favourite time of year, for so many reasons.  Everything in the garden is growing so quickly and keeping me busy on weekends.  The new gardenias (against the verandah batons below) have been loaded with gorgeous fragrant flowers, and the pear trees are really establishing.

The Magnolia 'Little Gems' have all had flowers, and they seem to just keep coming!

 The new aggies are setting into their spot along the front of the verandah and will provide a nice pop of purple and white next Summer.

Dad's Winter project, the new main bathroom, is in full use now and is flooded with natural light.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Further progress on new living area and laundry

We are enjoying the Summer months with the verandah in place.  It's so great to open the house up in this warm weather and enjoy the cool breezes flowing through the house. 

I have planted a row of agapanthus along the front of the house, which in time, will add a dense greenery in front of the white verandah batons.

We enjoyed Christmas afternoon and evening on the new verandah and the old trestle table is working beautifully for all the entertaining that happens at this time of year.

The ornamental pear trees that I planted along the northern side are thriving, and add a little extra privacy and greenery.

The sun seems to cast such interesting shadows thanks to the detail of the balustrade.


New Living area
Dad continues to make great progress on the new living area and laundry.  It really is hard to believe that this major renovation is being undertaken by one man!

Here you can see the back of the house with the new extension taking shape on the southern (left) side.  The large picture window is part of the living area, which adjoins the existing kitchen and dining area at the back of the house.  We were grateful for some help from lovely neighbours June and Matt when this window was installed.

Here is a closer view of the living area - ready for the weatherboards to be added.  In keeping with the sustainability of this project, Dad is re-using weatherboards that were removed from other parts of the house.

Below is the interior of the living area, looking towards the south eastern corner that looks out to the greenery.
The new laundry is located on the western side of the living area.  You can see below it has a French door on the western wall, which will lead to a new drying deck with steps to the clothesline.  It will have a long high window above the laundry tub, which will look out to the greenery on the southern side.
The below image was taken from the front verandah, looking back towards the new laundry and living area.  Eventually, this whole side of the house will be extended out to where you can see the
piers in the ground.  It will house a new ensuite and walk-in-robe, which will adjoin a new master bedroom.
Here is the southern side of the house, with the extension in view at the back.
Front door
I received a Magnolia 'Little Gem' for Christmas which I have planted next to the front door in my painted planter box.

It's such a great time of year to be enjoying working on the house and garden.